Congratulations on your correct and unbiased writing ! We Hungarians will never be understood in the West, because we ourselves consider ourselves a rebellious nation, our long bloody history has threatened the nation with complete annihilation from time to time, and we have also learned that in the decisive moments when we had to confront the powers attacking from the East, the West watched our battles with folded arms and grinned. That is why we will never trust the West.

My father was one of the fighters of the 1956 revolution, we had already lost the fight against the Soviet Union's armored vehicles, who were wading in the blood of young university students in Budapest, but the CIA-run Radio Free Europe propagandist shouted and encouraged us to fight a hopeless battle, exactly the same way as the unfortunate Ukrainian youth are encouraged to defend the Black Rock's land !

As you know, we are proud to have given the world a far greater proportion of Nobel Prize-winning scientists than the country has, our participation contributed to the success of the US nuclear program, as Edward Teller (born Ede Teller in Hungary) did to the creation of the Hydrogen bomb, and as you have experienced, we love to read and learn.

We know your history, and perhaps that is why we have adapted the words of the former Lord Palmerston to our country: "England has no permanent friends, England has no permanent enemies, England has interests !", well, we will apply this to Hungary !

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Good argument.

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